Saturday, April 10, 2010

A busy Easter

About a week before Easter I started sewing like a mad woman. I made the little onesies I mentioned in the previous post and I made totes for each of my kids and a cute little owl for my baby to suck on. I made the totes with this tutorial and the owl with this one. I also made two taggie blankets with this tutorial but I never did take pictures of those. Grief! You would think it was Christmas right. Nope, just Easter. I guess I enjoy a little stress during the holidays or I'm just crazy. Maybe a little of both.Those cute fabric roses on Heidi's tote are made with this tutorial.
I love these totes although they are too big for children. I wish I would have made the dimensions smaller. However, if you are going to make one make sure you buy at least 1 and 1/4 yards not just one like the pattern suggests. I didn't have quite enough fabric for each one and had to get creative and turn to my scrap pile which made for a cuter bag though, don't you think.

Little Ties

These are a really cute and super easy baby boy gift you can make with scrap material and an hour or so of spare time.

You can find the tutorial at