Sunday, February 7, 2010

My new diaper bag!

I tried out this new tutorial on Izzy and Ivy. They have such cute stuff. You must all go check them out. I'm excited about my new tote. If I were to make it again. I would probably make more pockets since I'm using it as a diaper bag. It's sooo much cuter than my yucky old black diaper bag. Here's me trying out the fabric on my couch. What do you think? Pillows? It looks bright and fun. I need something to remind that spring is close at hand. This bag would be great as a library tote for my kids. I'm thinking possible Easter gift.


  1. That's very cute! I'm thinking of it for a Sunday drag-all-of-your-books-to-church bag.

  2. WOW! So cute! I love the fabric! I think a church bag sounds like a great idea. I may need to try this out!
