Friday, January 8, 2010


Don't you all love Crazy Mom Quilts?! When I was pregnant with my little girl I found this tutorial and just had to make one for my new little one. I love it. It's a few months old now and I love that the more I wash it the softer it gets. It was also my first time using my new quilting foot on my machine so don't look too closely at the back.
Some green leafy binding.
A strip of patchwork across the back.
I love the quilt but I still think the baby is cuter!


  1. Beautiful quilts Michelle! The doll quilt you made for Christina is darling. I had no idea you could sew a quilt with a machine (just shows you how domestic arts challenged I am).

  2. Your quilts are just beautiful! Classic. I love your fabric choices. I am a quilter too! I have a few on my blog, way back. I'm always working on something. Good to know we have that in common :-)

  3. Yay for a new blog! I'm so excited to check back for more great quilts!

  4. I love that quilt, too. ( and that beautiful baby, too!)
    I am a hand quilter from way back, and I always felt like machine quilting was kind of 'cheating'. But, I just finished my first machine quilted baby quilt and I love it. I'ts not cheating at all - it's a completely different look. I had such fun making this quilt on the machine, and I'm excited to make many more projects. I can see how it can turn into an obsession, of sorts. You just can't wait to see how it's going to turn out!
